How To Help A Loved One Cope With A Mental Illness | TODAY

Life, Reinvented: A Guide to Healing from Sexual Trauma for Survivors and Loved Ones

Life, Reinvented brings both inspiration and practical tools to survivors of sexual assault or childhood sexual abuse and their friends, family members, and spouses. Combining recent research, years of clinical experience, and first-hand accounts of healing, Erin Carpenter offers a unique viewpoint on recovery from trauma. Life, Reinvented is a truly complete guide to healing. [More About This Book]

Almost Anorexic: Is My (or My Loved One’s) Relationship with Food a Problem? (The Almost Effect)

Millions of men and women struggle with disordered eating. Some stand at the mirror wondering how they can face the day when they look so fat. Others binge, purge, or exercise compulsively. Many skip meals, go on diet after diet, or cut out entire food groups. Still, they are never thin enough.While only 1 in [More About This Book]